This, my friends, is the deepest question.
A young woman, beautiful of course, but probably as interested in the answer to this question as we, who have become captivated, ourselves are.
Formerly 0nlyhypnosis (a play on “Onlyfans” that I only understood much later!), Hannah has burst onto the world of sexual and erotic dominance like a firecracker of Divine Moonlight. Like those two objects, she juxtaposes seemingly impossible-to-reconcile forces of sweetness and dominance into one irresistible package.
You can find her at: (for now!)
Q: And what about this site?
A: Two things. #1. More people need to know about Her. That is unquestionable. And #2 Not enough information is available. One more thing: I owe Her a lot. You might say, my life. And so, it just became the Natural Thing to Do.